In order to promote the exchange of knowledge and dialogue between representatives of universities and non-academic areas, various panels will be held in the thematic fields “gender, diversity and language”, “women in leadership positions”, “meritocracy, excellence & inequality”, “institutionalized inequality and discrimination” and “methods of knowledge sharing”.
We are also pleased to announce our international Roundtable Critical Gender and Diversity Knowledge with Prof. Dr. Hoda Elsadda (Cairo University), Prof. Dr. Gabriele Griffin (Uppsala University), Prof. Dr. Helma Lutz (Goethe University, Frankfurt a. M.) and PD Dr. Christa Binswanger (University of St.Gallen) on Friday and our Keynote A critical approach to the concepts of diversity, difference, inclusion and equity with Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer (University of Basel) on Saturday.
Joana Tischkau provides the cultural framework for the conference with her performance PLAYBLACK. PLAYBLACK is a feminist mini-playback show dedicated to the idea of post-blackness, in which racist and sexist images of non-white musicians* in European pop music are brought out and unmasked as such through precise strategies of drag and playback (lipsyncing): an artistic and hybrid subversion of the construction of white neutrality and universality.